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List of acronyms: N

List of acronyms: N

This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends  that begin with the letter N.

For the purposes of this list:

  • acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as if it were a word, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, pronounced to rhyme with cars
  • initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc, pronounced cee dee
  • pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters mean that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
(a) = acronym, e.g.: SARS – (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome
(i) = initialism, e.g.: CD – (i) compact disc
(p) = pseudo-blend, e.g.: UNIFEM – (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
(s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz – megahertz)

Some terms are spoken as either acronym or initialism, e.g., VoIP, pronounced both as voyp and V-O-I-P.

(Main list of acronyms)

  • n – (s) Nano
  • N – (s) Newton – Nitrogen – North


  • N3F – (i) National Fantasy Fan Federation


  • na – (s) Nauruan language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • nA – (s) Nanoampere
  • Na – (s) Sodium (Latin Natrium)
  • NA
    • (s) Namibia (ISO 3166 digram)
    • (i) Narcotics Anonymous
    • National Archives
    • Negative Acknowledge
  • N/A
    • (i) Neurotics Anonymous
    • not available/applicable
  • NAA – (p) N-Acetylaspartate
  • NAAD – (i) North American Air Defense
    • (a) Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (UK)
    • (a) No Ambition And Fuckall Interest (RSA army slang)
  • NAAK – (a) Mark I NAAK, Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
  • NAACP – (i) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ("N double-A CP")
  • NAAQS – (a) National Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • NAAWS – (i) NATO Anti-Air Warfare System
  • NABCI – (a) North American Bird Conservation Initiative ("nab-see")
  • NAC
    • (i/a) National Agency Check
    • U.S. Naval Avionics Center
    • U.S. Navy Advanced Concepts
    • NOAD ADVENDO Combinatie, the full name of the Dutch football club NAC Breda
    • North Atlantic Council
    • Northern Area Command
  • NACA – (i) (U.S.) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (1915–1958, became NASA)
  • NACC – (i) North Atlantic Cooperation Council
  • NACISA – (a) NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency
  • NACMA – (p) NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency
  • NACRA – (a) North America Caribbean Rugby Association (more specifically rugby union), a former name of Rugby Americas North
  • NAD – (s) Namibian dollar (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • NAEC – (i) U.S. Naval Air Engineering Center
  • NAF
    • (a) NATO Architecture Framework
    • (i) Naval Air Facility
  • NAFLD – (i) NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • NAFO – (a) Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
  • NAFERA – (a) Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act
  • NAFTA – (a) North American Free Trade Agreement
  • NAGPRA – (a) Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
  • NAI
    • (i) Named Area of Interest
    • Network Access Identifier
  • NAICS – (a) North American Industry Classification System
  • NAIL – (i) Neurotics Anonymous
  • NAILS – (a) National Airspace Integrated Logistics System
  • NAIRU – (a) Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
  • NAK – (p) Negative Acknowledge
  • NAM – (s) Namibia (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NAMBLA – (a) North American Man-Boy Love Association
  • NAMRL – (i) Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
  • NaN – (i) Not A Number (computing)
  • NANP – (i) North American Numbering Plan (telephone)
  • NAO – (i) UK National Audit Office
  • NAPDD – (i) Non-Acquisition Program Definition Document ("nap-dee-dee")
  • NAPS – (a) Navy Acquisition Procedures Supplement
  • NARA – (i) (U.S.) National Archives and Records Administration
  • NARAL – (a) National Abortion Rights Action League
  • NARDAC – (a) Naval Regional Data Automation Center
  • NARDIC – (a) U.S. Navy Acquisition Research and Development Information Center
  • NARP – (a) Non-Athletic Regular Person
  • NARPV – (i) National Association for Remotely Piloted Vehicles
  • NAS
    • (i) National Academy of Sciences
    • National Air Space
    • National Audubon Society
    • Naval Air Station
    • New Attack Submarine
  • NASA
    • (a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • North American Saxophone Alliance
  • NASB – (i) New American Standard Bible
  • NASCAR – (a) National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing
  • NASDAQ – (a) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  • NASED – (a) National Association of State Election Directors [1][2]
  • NASH – (a) Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
  • NASP
    • (p) National Aerospace Plane
    • (i) National Archery in the Schools Program
  • NASS – (a) National Association of Secretaries of State [3]
  • NASUWT - National Association of Schoolmasters / Union of Women Teachers (UK trade union)
  • NatGeo - (a) National Geographic
  • NATO
    • (a) National Association of Theatre Owners
    • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • nau – (s) Nauruan language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NaUKMA – (p) National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • nav – (s) Navajo language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NAV – (p) Navigation[al]
  • NAVCAMS – (p) Naval Communications Area Master Station
  • NAVCC – (p) National Audio-Visual Conservation Center
  • NAVCC (Navy) – (p) Navy Component Commander
  • NAVCENT – (p) Naval Forces U.S. Central Command
  • NAVDAC – (p) Naval Data Automation Command
  • NAVEUR – (p) Naval Forces U.S. European Command
  • NAVFE – (p) U.S. Naval Forces, Far East
  • NAVFOR – (p) Naval Force
  • NAVMACS – (p) Naval Modular Automatic Communication Subsystem
  • NAVNET – (p) Navy Network
  • NAVS – (a) Non-Cooperative Airborne Vector Scoring
  • NAVSAT – (p) Navigation Satellite
  • NAVSPACECOM – (p) U.S. Navy Space Command
  • NAVSPASUR – (p) U.S. Naval Space Surveillance System
  • NAVSTAR – (p) Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging
  • NAVTACNET – (p) Navy Tactical Network
  • NAWC – (i) U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center
  • NAWIRA – (a) North America and West Indies Rugby Association, the original name of the organization now known as Rugby Americas North
  • NAWMP – (a) North American Waterfowl Management Plan ("gnaw-wump")


  • nb – (s) Norwegian Bokmål language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • Nb – (s) Niobium
  • NB – (s) New Brunswick (postal symbol) – (i) nota bene (Latin, "mark well")
  • NBA – (i) National Basketball Association
  • NBACC – (i) U.S. National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center ("enn-back")
  • NBC – (i) National Broadcasting Corporation – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
  • NBCRS – (i) NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) Reconnaissance System
  • NBIC – (i) Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Cognitive Science
  • nbl – (s) Southern Ndebele language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NBL – (a) National Basketball League (Australia)
  • NBT – (p) Nitroblue tetrazolium (assay)


  • nC – (s) Nanocoulomb
  • NC
    • (i) Network Computer
    • (s) New Caledonia (ISO 3166 digram)
    • (i) Node Center
    • Nonconsensual
    • Normally Closed
    • (s) North Carolina (postal symbol)
  • NCA – (i) National Command Authority
  • NC3A or NC3A – (i) NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency
  • NCAA – (i) National Collegiate Athletic Association ("NC double A")
  • NCAR – (i) U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • NCB – (i) National Codification Bureau
  • NCCAM – (i) U.S. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • NCCUSL – (i) National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (U.S.)
  • NCDDR – (i) U.S. National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research
  • NCES
    • (i) U.S. National Center for Education Statistics
    • Net-Centric Enterprise Services
  • NCI – (i) U.S. National Cancer Institute
  • NCIS
    • (i) National Criminal Intelligence Service (British)
    • Naval Criminal Investigative Service (U.S. Navy; see also NCIS, a U.S. TV series based on this unit)
  • NCL – (s) New Caledonia (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NCLR – (i) National Council of La Raza
  • NCMO – (i) No Commitment Make Out
  • NCND
    • (i) Noncircumvention and Nondisclosure
    • (i) Neither Confirm Nor Deny
  • NCO – (i) Noncommissioned Officer
  • NCP – (i) Net Contracted Purchases
  • NCR – (i) National Cash Register Co.
  • NCTR – (i) Noncooperative Target Recognition
  • NCW – (i) Network Centric Warfare


  • nd – (s) Northern Ndebele language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • Nd – (s) Neodymium
  • N.D. – (i) Nobilis Domina (noble woman)
  • ND
    • (i) Nondisclosure
    • (s) North Dakota (postal symbol)
  • NDA - (i) Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • NDAA – (i) U.S. National Defense Authorization Act
  • NDBP – (i) Non-Departmental Public Body (Scotland)
  • NDC - (i) National Drug Code
  • NDCC – (i) New Directions Counseling Center (Concord, California)
  • nde – (s) Northern Ndebele language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NDH
    • (i) Neue Deutsche Härte (German, "new German hardness"—heavy metal genre)
    • Nezavisna Država Hrvatska (Croatian, "Independent State of Croatia"—Nazi puppet state)
  • ndo – (s) Ndonga language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • N-dof or NDOF – (i) Number of Degrees of Freedom
  • NDP – (i) New Democratic Party (Canada)
  • NDS – Nintendo DS
  • NDU – (i) National Defense University (Washington, DC)


  • ne – (s) Nepali language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • Ne – (s) Neon
  • NE
    • (s) Nebraska (postal symbol)
    • Niger (ISO 3166 digram)
    • (i) North-East
  • NEA
    • (i) National Education Association (U.S. labor union)
    • Near-Earth Asteroid
    • Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD)
  • NEAT
    • Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking - (a)
    • National Emergency Access Target (a) (Au Health)
  • NEC
    • (i) Network-enabled capability
    • Nijmegen Eendracht Combinatie (Dutch, "Nijmegen Unity Combination"; football club formed by the 1910 merger of the Nijmegen and Eendracht clubs)
    • Nippon Electric Company, the original English-language name of the company now known as NEC
    • (p) Northeast Conference (U.S. college sports)
  • NED – (s) Netherlands (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166)
  • NECTEC – (a) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Thailand)
  • NEI
    • (i) National Eye Institute
    • Not Enough Information
    • Nuclear Energy Institute
  • NEIC (i)
    • U.S. National Earthquake Information Center
    • National Economic Intelligence Committee (Nigeria)
    • National Energy Information Center (U.S. DOE)
    • National Enforcement Investigations Center (U.S. EPA)
  • nem con – (p) nemine contradicente (Latin, "no one contradicting")
  • nem diss – (p) nemine dissentiente (Latin, "no one dissenting")
  • NEMS – (i) National Energy Modeling System (USDOE-EIA)
  • NEO
    • (i) Near-Earth Object
    • Non-combatant Evacuation Operations
  • nep – (s) Nepali language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NEPA – (a) National Environmental Policy Act
  • NER – (s) Niger (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NERF - (a) Non-Expanding Recreational Foam
  • NERICA – (p) New Rice for Africa
  • NESDIS – (a) National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
  • NESP – (i) NSA/CSS Enterprise Standards Program
  • NESS-T – (p) Near-Earth Space Surveillance – Terrestrial project
  • NET
    • (i) National Educational Television
    • (i/a) NCAA Evaluation Tool, a metric used in the NCAA Division I men's and women's basketball tournament selection process
  • NETCU – (i) (UK) National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit
  • NETL – (a) (US) National Energy Technology Laboratory
  • NETWARS – (p) Network Warfare Simulation
  • NEWHA – (i) New England Women's Hockey Alliance
  • NEWS
    • (a) Navy Electronic Warfare Simulator
    • North, East, West, South
  • NEX – (p) Navy EXchange


  • nF – (s) Nanofarad
  • NF
    • (s) Newfoundland (and Labrador) (obsolete postal code, replaced by NL)
    • Norfolk Island (ISO 3166 digram)
  • NFA
    • (i) (U.S.) National Firearms Act (often used to refer to the guns and accessories regulated under this law)
    • No-Fire Area
  • NFC
    • (i) National Football Conference
    • Near-field communication
  • NFER – (i) National Foundation for Educational Research
  • NFG – (i) No F**king Good
  • NFHS – (i) National Federation of State High School Associations
  • NFI – (i) Not F****** Interested
  • NFK – (s) Norfolk Island (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NFL
    • (i) National Football League
    • National Forensic League, original name of the National Speech and Debate Association
    • No-Fire Line
  • Nfld – (p) Newfoundland
  • NFPA – (a) National Fluid Power Association (United States)
  • NFT
    • (p) Neurofibrillary tangle
    • (i) No Further Text
    • Non-fungible token
  • NFS
    • (i) Network File System


  • ng – (s) Nanogram – Ndonga language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • NG
    • (i) Natural Gas
    • Next Generation
    • (s) Niger (FIPS 10-4 country code)
    • Nigeria (ISO 3166 digram)
  • NGA
    • (i) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
    • (s) Nigeria (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NGH – Northern General Hospital
  • ngl – (i) Not gonna lie
  • NGATS – (i) New Generation Army Targetry System
  • NGIC – (a) National Ground Intelligence Center ("Injick")
  • NGN – (s) Nigerian naira (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • NGO – (i) non-governmental organization
  • NGR – (s) Nigeria (IOC trigram, but not ISO 3166 or FIFA)
  • NGS – (i) Naval Gunfire Support


  • nH – (s) Nanohenry
  • NH – (s) New Hampshire (postal symbol) – New Hebrides (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1980) – Vanuatu (FIPS 10-4 country code; from New Hebrides)
  • N.H. – (i) Nobilis Homo (noble man)
  • NHANES – (i) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  • NHB – (s) New Hebrides (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1980)
  • NHB – (i) No holds barred
  • NHL – (i) National Hockey League
  • NHO – (i) Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises, a Norwegian employers' organisation)
  • NHRA – (i) National Hot Rod Association
  • NHS – (i) National Health Service (UK)


  • Ni – (s) Nickel
  • NI
    • (s) Nicaragua (ISO 3166 digram)
    • Nigeria (FIPS 10-4 country code)
  • NIAAA – (i) U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • NIAID – (a) National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease
  • NIAG – (a) NATO Industrial Advisory Group
  • NIAMD – (i) National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases
  • NIB – (i) New In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
  • NIBP – (i) Non-invasive blood pressure monitor
  • NIC
    • (a) Network Interface Card
    • (s) Nicaragua (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NicA – (i) Nicotine Anonymous
  • NICAP – (a) National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
  • NICE – (p) UK. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
  • NICHD – National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [4]
  • NICP – (i) National Inventory Control Point
  • NIDDK – (i) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • NIDRR – (i) National Institute on Disability Research and Rehabilitation
  • NIEHS – (i) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • NIG – (s) Niger (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166)
  • NIH
    • (i) National Institutes of Health
    • Not Invented Here
  • NIIN – (i) National Item Identification Number
  • NIL
    • (i) Name, image, and likeness (referring to U.S. student athlete compensation)
    • (p) Nanoimprint lithography
    • (i) Nomina im Indogermanischen Lexikon (German, "Nominals in the Indo-European Lexicon") – etymological dictionary of Proto-Indo-European nominals
  • NIMA – (a) National Imagery and Mapping Agency (became NGA)
  • NIMBY – (a) Not In My Back Yard (See NOME)
  • NIMG – (i) Not In My Generation
  • NiMH – (p) nickel metal hydride ("Ni" is the chemical symbol for nickel)
  • NIMH
    • (i) National Institute of Medical Herbalists
    • National Institute of Mental Health
  • NIN – (i) Nine Inch Nails (band)
  • NIO – (s) Nicaraguayan cordoba oro (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • NIOSH – (a) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (U.S.)
  • NIPR – (i) National Institute of Polar Research (Japan)
  • NIPT - Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
  • NIR – (s) Northern Ireland (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram)
  • NISAC – (a) U.S. National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center
  • NISCAP – (a) NSA Information System Certification and Accreditation Program
  • NISER – (i) National Institute of Science Education and Research
  • NIST – (a/i) National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • NIT
    • (i) National Invitation Tournament (U.S. college basketball)
    • (i) National Institutes of Technology (India)
  • NITFS – (i) National Imagery Transmission Format Standard
  • NIU – (s) Niue (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NIV
    • (i) New International Version (Bible translation)
    • Non-invasive ventilation


  • nJ – (s) Nanojoule
  • NJ – (s) New Jersey (postal symbol)
  • NJHS – (s) National Junior Honor Society
  • NJPW – (i) New Japan Pro-Wrestling


  • nK – (s) Nanokelvin
  • NKA – No Known Allergies
  • N/K/A – Now Known As
  • NKJV – (i) New King James Version (Bible translation)
  • NKVD – (i) Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del (Russian "People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs") (1934–1954)


  • nl – (s) Dutch language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • nL – (s) Nanolitre
  • NL
    • (s) Netherlands (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
    • Newfoundland and Labrador (postal symbol)
  • NLB – (i) Non-Linear Battlefield
  • nld – (s) Dutch language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NLD – (s) Netherlands (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NLF – (i) National Liberation Front (disambiguation)
  • NLL – (i) National Lacrosse League
  • NLIC - (p) NetLicensing (license file extension)
  • NLOS-LS – (i) Non Line Of Sight-Launch System
  • NLP
    • (i) Natural Language Processing
    • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (pseudoscience)
  • NLW – (i) Non-Lethal Weapon


  • nm – (s) nanometer
  • nm, NM – Nautical mile
  • N·m, Nm – Newton meter
  • NM – (s) New Mexico (postal symbol)
  • NMCI – (i) Navy Marine Corps Intranet
  • NMCS – (i) Not Mission Capable Supply (SM&R code)
  • NMD – (i) U.S. National Missile Defense
  • NMN – (i) No middle name
  • NMOS – (i/a) N-type/Negative Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor transistor ("enn-moss")
  • NMSG – (i) NATO Modelling and Simulation Group
  • NMR – (i) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • NMHNFG – (i) Not Made Here, No Fucking Good


  • nn – (s) Norwegian Nynorsk language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • nN – (s) Nanonewton
  • NNW – (i) North North-East
  • nno – (s) Norwegian Nynorsk language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NNSA – (i) U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration
  • NNW – (i) North North-West


  • no – (s) Norwegian language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • No – (s) Nobelium
  • NO
    • (s) Nitric Oxide
    • (i) Normally Open
    • (s) Norway (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
  • NOAA – (a) U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • NOAF – (i) Norwegian Air Force
  • NOAO – (i) National Optical Astronomy Observatory
  • nob – (s) Norwegian Bokmål language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NOC – (i) UK. National Oceanography Centre
  • NODEF – (a) NATO Oceanographic Data Exchange Format
  • No-FEAR – (p) Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Retaliation Act (2002)
  • NOK – (s) Norwegian krone (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • NOLA – (p) New Orleans, Louisiana (LA is the official postal code for Louisiana)
  • NOGI – (a) New Orleans Grande Isle (award for diving)
  • NOLF – (i) Navy OutLying Field
  • NOM – (i) Novus Ordo Missae or New Ordinary of the Mass (sometimes abbreviated to simply "NO")
  • NOME – Not on Mars Either
  • NoMBO – (p) Non-mine, Mine-like Bottom Object
  • NOME – Not on Mars Either (see NIMBY)
  • NOPA – (i) National Office Products Alliance – National Office Products Association
  • nor – (s) Norwegian language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NOR – (s) Norway (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NORAD – (p) North American Aerospace Defense Command
  • NORCECA – (p) North, Central America and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation
  • NORELPREF – No religious preference
  • NORML – (a) National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ("normal")
  • NORTHAG – (p) Northern Army Group
  • NOS
    • (i) Network Operating System
    • New Old Stock (Internet auction/trading listings)
    • Nitric Oxide Synthase (enzyme)
  • NOSA – (i) NATO OSI Security Architecture
  • NOTAFLOF – (a) No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds
  • NOTAM – (p) Notice to Airmen
  • NOW – (a) National Organization for Women


  • Np
    • (p) Neap tide (nautical charts)
    • (s) Neptunium
  • NP
    • (s) National Permit (authorization used in India to allow trucks to go anywhere in the nation)
    • Nepal (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
  • NPB – (i) Nippon Professional Baseball
  • NPC
    • (i) National Postgraduate Committee
    • National Provincial Championship (New Zealand rugby competition)
    • Navigation Planning Chart
    • Non-Player Character (role-playing games)
  • NPCS – (i) Non-Passenger Coaching stock (in Railways)
  • NPD – (i) Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German)
  • NPDI – (i) New Product Development and Introduction
  • NPG – (i) Needline/Network Participation Group
  • NPH – (i) Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
  • NPL
    • (i) National Priorities List
    • (s) Nepal (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NPPU - Nose Personal Protection Unit (copper nose insert)
  • NPOV – (i) Neutral Point Of View
  • NPR
    • (i) National Public Radio
    • (s) Nepalese rupee (ISO 4217 currency code)


  • NQ – (s) Dronning Maud Land (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1983)
  • NQOCD – (i) Not Quite Our Class, Dear (or Darling). (Upper-class English slang)
  • NPO – nothing by mouth


  • nr – (s) Southern Ndebele language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • NR – (s) Nauru (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
  • NRA – (i) National Rifle Association of America
  • NRAO – (i) National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • NRC
    • (i) National Register of Citizens (India)
    • National Research Council (U.S.)
    • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)
  • NRDC – (i) (U.S.) Natural Resources Defense Council
  • NREL – (i) U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • NRK – (p) Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)
  • NRLA – (i) New Railway Link through the Alps
  • NRMP – (i) National Resident Matching Program (U.S. medicine)
  • NRO – (i) U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
  • NRT – (i) Near Real Time
  • NRTA
    • (i) National Retail Tenants Association
    • National Retired Teachers Association
    • Northwest Regional Transmission Association
  • NRU – (s) Nauru (ISO 3166 trigram)


  • ns – (s) Nanosecond
  • nS – (s) Nanosiemens
  • NS
    • (s) Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR reporting mark)
    • Nova Scotia (postal symbol)
    • Suriname (FIPS 10-4 country code)
  • NSA
    • (i) U.S. National Security Agency
    • Naval Support Activity
    • No Strings Attached
  • NSABB – (i) National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
  • NSAID – (i) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
  • NSB – (i) Norges Statsbaner (Norwegian State Railways)
  • NSBM – (i) National Socialist black metal
  • NSC – National Security Council
  • NSDA – (i) National Speech and Debate Association (US)
  • NSDAP – (i) Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German: "German National Socialist Workers Party", the formal name of the Nazi Party)
  • NSDL – (i) National Science Digital Library (US)
  • NSG – (i) National System for Geospatial-Intelligence
  • NSN – (i) National Stock Number
  • NSNA – (i) National Student Nurses' Association
  • NSO – (i) National Standardization Office (ABCA)
  • NSS – (i) (U.S.) Naval Simulation System
  • NST – (i) (UK) Nimrod Software Team
  • NSTAC – (i) National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
  • NSV – (i) Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov heavy machine gun (Russian НСВ Никитина-Соколова-Волкова) ru:ПулеметНСВ-12,7 "Утес"
  • NSW – (i) New South Wales (postal symbol)


  • N/T – (Aa) No text
  • nT – (s) Nanotesla
  • NT
    • (i) National Trust (UK)
    • (s) Saudi–Iraqi neutral zone (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1993)
    • (i) New Technology (Windows NT)
    • (s) Northern Territory (Australia) (postal symbol)
    • Northwest Territories (Canada) (postal symbol)
  • NTC
    • (i) National Training Center
    • Negative Temperature Coefficient (thermistor)
  • NTDS – (i) Naval Tactical Data System
  • NTP – (i) Network Time Protocol
  • NTR – (i) Network Time Reference
  • NTRA – (i) National Thoroughbred Racing Association
  • NTSB – (i) National Transportation Safety Board
  • NTSC – (i) National Television Standards Committee (colloquially, Never Twice the Same Color)
  • (i) (Internet Abbreviation:) Nothing To See Here
  • NTV – (i) Non-Tactical Vehicle
  • NTY – (i) (Internet Abbreviations:) Not Tested Yet; (Alternatively) No Thank You
  • NTZ – (s) Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1993)


  • NU
    • (s) Nicaragua (FIPS 10-4 country code)
    • Niue (ISO 3166 digram)
    • Nunavut (postal symbol)
  • NUI – (a) No user interface ("noo-ey")
  • NUL
    • (i) Null character (ASCII code of control character)
    • National Urban League
  • NUTS – (a) Nuclear Utilization Target Selection
  • NUWC – (i) U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center


  • nv – (s) Navajo language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • nV – (s) Nanovolt
  • NV
    • (i) Naamloze vennootschap (Dutch, "innominate partnership" or "anonymous venture"; i.e. a public limited-liability company)
    • (s) Nevada (postal symbol)
  • NVEOL – (i) Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory
  • NVESD – (i) CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
  • NVG – (i) Night Vision Goggles
  • NVL – (i) Night Vision Laboratory


  • nW – (s) Nanowatt
  • NW – (s) North-West
  • NW – (i) Nuclear Weapon
  • NWA – (i) National Wrestling Alliance
  • NWF – (i) National Wildlife Federation
  • NWFZ – (i) Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone
  • NWHN – (i) U.S. National Women's Health Network
  • nWo – (i) New World Order (see article for explanation of idiosyncratic capitalization)
  • NWOAHM – (i) New Wave of American Heavy Metal
  • NWOBHM – (i) New wave of British heavy metal (sometimes pronounced as if it were an acronym)
  • NWRA – (i) National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
  • NWSL - (i) National Women's Soccer League (U.S.)
  • NWT – (i) North-West Territories


  • NX
    • (p) Part of computer memory marked as "no execute"
    • (i) Automobile made by Nissan
    • (s) unit of illuminance
    • (p) National Express
    • Net exports
  • NXA – (i) 21st arcade game in the Pump It Up series
  • NXD – (p) Native XML
  • NXE – (i) New Xbox Experience
  • NXG – (p) New Cross Gate station
  • NXL – (i) National XBall League
  • NXN – (p) Nike Cross Nationals
  • NXP – (p) "Next Experience" Semiconductors


  • ny – (s) Chichewa language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • NY – (s) New York (postal symbol)
  • nya – (s) Chichewa language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • NYHA – (i) New York Heart Association
  • NYO – (i) National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
  • NYRA
    • (i) National Youth Rights Association
    • (a) New York Racing Association (horse racing)
  • NYSE – (i) New York Stock Exchange
  • NYT (disambiguation) – (i) The New York Times


  • NZ – (s) New Zealand (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
  • NZC – (i) New Zealand Cricket
  • NZD – (s) New Zealand dollar (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • NZL – (s) New Zealand (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • NzL – Noze looan (online/event listings)
  • NZOSS – (i) New Zealand Open Source Society
  • NZR
    • (i) New Zealand Railways
    • New Zealand Rugby (governing body for rugby union)
  • NZRU – (i) New Zealand Rugby Union, the former name of the organisation now known as New Zealand Rugby


Text submitted to CC-BY-SA license. Source: List of acronyms: N by Wikipedia (Historical)
