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In topology, a branch of mathematics, a cosheaf is a dual notion to that of a sheaf that is useful in studying Borel-Moore homology.


We associate to a topological space X {\displaystyle X} its category of open sets Op ( X ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Op} (X)} , whose objects are the open sets of X {\displaystyle X} , with a (unique) morphism from U {\displaystyle U} to V {\displaystyle V} whenever U V {\displaystyle U\subset V} . Fix a category C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} . Then a precosheaf (with values in C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} ) is a covariant functor F : Op X C {\displaystyle F:\operatorname {Op} X\to {\mathcal {C}}} , i.e., F {\displaystyle F} consists of

  • for each open set U {\displaystyle U} of X {\displaystyle X} , an object F ( U ) {\displaystyle F(U)} in C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} , and
  • for each inclusion of open sets U V {\displaystyle U\subset V} , a morphism ι U , V : F ( U ) F ( V ) {\displaystyle \iota _{U,V}:F(U)\to F(V)} in C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} such that
    • ι U , U = i d F ( U ) {\displaystyle \iota _{U,U}=\mathrm {id} _{F(U)}} for all U {\displaystyle U} and
    • ι U , V ι V , W = ι U , W {\displaystyle \iota _{U,V}\circ \iota _{V,W}=\iota _{U,W}} whenever U V W {\displaystyle U\subset V\subset W} .

Suppose now that C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} is an abelian category that admits small colimits. Then a cosheaf is a precosheaf F {\displaystyle F} for which the sequence

( α , β ) F ( U α , β ) ( α , β ) ( ι U α , β , U α ι U α , β , U β ) α F ( U α ) α ι U α , U F ( U ) 0 {\displaystyle \bigoplus _{(\alpha ,\beta )}F(U_{\alpha ,\beta })\xrightarrow {\sum _{(\alpha ,\beta )}(\iota _{U_{\alpha ,\beta },U_{\alpha }}-\iota _{U_{\alpha ,\beta },U_{\beta }})} \bigoplus _{\alpha }F(U_{\alpha })\xrightarrow {\sum _{\alpha }\iota _{U_{\alpha },U}} F(U)\to 0}

is exact for every collection { U α } α {\displaystyle \{U_{\alpha }\}_{\alpha }} of open sets, where U := α U α {\displaystyle U:=\bigcup _{\alpha }U_{\alpha }} and U α , β := U α U β {\displaystyle U_{\alpha ,\beta }:=U_{\alpha }\cap U_{\beta }} . (Notice that this is dual to the sheaf condition.) Approximately, exactness at F ( U ) {\displaystyle F(U)} means that every element over U {\displaystyle U} can be represented as a finite sum of elements that live over the smaller opens U α {\displaystyle U_{\alpha }} , while exactness at α F ( U α ) {\displaystyle \bigoplus _{\alpha }F(U_{\alpha })} means that, when we compare two such representations of the same element, their difference must be captured by a finite collection of elements living over the intersections U α , β {\displaystyle U_{\alpha ,\beta }} .

Equivalently, F {\displaystyle F} is a cosheaf if

  • for all open sets U {\displaystyle U} and V {\displaystyle V} , F ( U V ) {\displaystyle F(U\cup V)} is the pushout of F ( U V ) F ( U ) {\displaystyle F(U\cap V)\to F(U)} and F ( U V ) F ( V ) {\displaystyle F(U\cap V)\to F(V)} , and
  • for any upward-directed family { U α } α {\displaystyle \{U_{\alpha }\}_{\alpha }} of open sets, the canonical morphism lim F ( U α ) F ( α U α ) {\displaystyle \varinjlim F(U_{\alpha })\to F(\bigcup _{\alpha }U_{\alpha })} is an isomorphism. One can show that this definition agrees with the previous one. This one, however, has the benefit of making sense even when C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} is not an abelian category.


A motivating example of a precosheaf of abelian groups is the singular precosheaf, sending an open set U {\displaystyle U} to C k ( U ; Z ) {\displaystyle C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )} , the free abelian group of singular k {\displaystyle k} -chains on U {\displaystyle U} . In particular, there is a natural inclusion ι U , V : C k ( U ; Z ) C k ( V ; Z ) {\displaystyle \iota _{U,V}:C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )\to C_{k}(V;\mathbb {Z} )} whenever U V {\displaystyle U\subset V} . However, this fails to be a cosheaf because a singular simplex cannot be broken up into smaller pieces. To fix this, we let s : C k ( U ; Z ) C k ( U ; Z ) {\displaystyle s:C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )\to C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )} be the barycentric subdivision homomorphism and define C ¯ k ( U ; Z ) {\displaystyle {\overline {C}}_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )} to be the colimit of the diagram

C k ( U ; Z ) s C k ( U ; Z ) s C k ( U ; Z ) s . {\displaystyle C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )\xrightarrow {s} C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )\xrightarrow {s} C_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )\xrightarrow {s} \ldots .}

In the colimit, a simplex is identified with all of its barycentric subdivisions. One can show using the Lebesgue number lemma that the precosheaf sending U {\displaystyle U} to C ¯ k ( U ; Z ) {\displaystyle {\overline {C}}_{k}(U;\mathbb {Z} )} is in fact a cosheaf.

Fix a continuous map f : Y X {\displaystyle f:Y\to X} of topological spaces. Then the precosheaf (on X {\displaystyle X} ) of topological spaces sending U {\displaystyle U} to f 1 ( U ) {\displaystyle f^{-1}(U)} is a cosheaf.



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Text submitted to CC-BY-SA license. Source: Cosheaf by Wikipedia (Historical)