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Ibn Juzayy

Ibn Juzayy

Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Juzayy Al Gharnati (Arabic: أبو القاسم، محمد بن أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الله، ابن جزي الكلبي الغرناطي) was an Andalusian Maliki-Ash'ari scholar and poet of Arab origin.


He wrote many religious works such as his al-Qawanin al-Fiqhiyyah or "The Laws of Jurisprudence" a comparative manual of the jurisprudence of the four Sunni madhhabs (Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi`i, Hanbali) with emphasis on the Maliki school and notices of the views of the Ẓāhirī school and others. He is also noted for his tafsir of the Qur'an al-Tashil li Ulum al-Tanzil, his book on legal theory Taqrīb al-Wuṣūl ‘ilā ‘Ilm al-Uṣūl or The Nearest of Paths to the Knowledge of the Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, which he wrote for his son, as well as his treatise on Sufism based on the Qur'an, The Refinement of the Hearts.


He had three sons. His son Abu Abdullah Ibn Juzayy is mainly known as the writer to whom Ibn Battuta dictated an account of his travels. He wrote "The Travels of Ibn Battuta" (Riḥlat Ibn Baṭūṭah) in 1352-55.

See also

  • List of Ash'aris and Maturidis



  • Ibn Juzayy, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Tasfiyat al-qulub fi al-wusul ila hadrat 'Allam al-Ghuyub / li-Ibn Juzayy al-Gharnati ; dirasat wa-tahqiq Munir al-Qadiri Bu Dashish ; taqdim Ahmad al-Tawfiq. al-Tab'ah 1.'' [Casablanca : s.n.], 1998 ISBN 9981-1951-0-3
  • M. Isabel Calero Secall, RULERS AND QĀDĪS: THEIR RELATIONSHIP DURING THE NASRID KINGDOM, in: Journal Islamic Law and Society, Volume 7, Number 2 / June, 2000
  • Ibn al-Khatib, al-Ihata fi akhbar Gharnata, ed. M. Inan, 4 vols. (Cairo, 1973-77), I, 157-62;
  • Ibn al-Khatib, al-Katiba al-kamina, ed. Ihsan Abbas,(Beirut, 1983), 138-43
  • Ibn al-Khatib, al-Lamha al-badriyya fi l-dawla al-nasriyya, ed. Muhibb al-Din al-Khatib, 3rd ed. (Beirut, 1978), 116-18
  • Al-Maqqari Nafh al-tib min ghusn al-Andalus al-ratib, ed. I. 'Abbas, Beirut, 1968, t. 8, pp. 40-54
  • F.Velazquez Basanta, Retrato jatibiano de Abu Bakr Ya'far Ahmad ibn Yuzayy, otro poeta y qadi al-yama'a de Granada. Anales de la Universidad de Cadiz, IX-X (1992-93), 39-51
  • Maria Arcas Campoy, Un tratado de derecho comparado: el Kitàb al-Qawànìn de Ibn Juzayy, pp. 49-57, In: Atti del XIII Congresso dell'Union Européenne d'Arabisants et d'Islamisants (Venezia 1986)he was the one who Ibn Battuta dedicated his life and works to.

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