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A History of the Crusades: list of contributions

A History of the Crusades: list of contributions

A History of the Crusades: list of contributions provides the collected works that appear in the six-volume set A History of the Crusades, edited by Kenneth M. Setton. Published by the University of Wisconsin Press, it is also known as the Wisconsin Collaborative History of the Crusades. The volumes were published from 1969–1989 and consists of 89 chapters covering nearly 5000 pages. Written by 64 prominent historians, it is one of the most important books on the Crusades.

  • Epigraph. Deus vult, deus vult.
  • Dedication. Dis manibus Johannis L. LaMonte et Danae C. Munro atque geniis adhus Florentibus Frederici Duncalf et Augusti C. Krey hoc opus dedicamus editores.

Some key features of the work are:

  • The full range of subjects relevant to the Crusades is covered, from before 1095 until 1571.
  • Index. Each volume has its own comprehensive index. There is a search feature associated with each volume found on the outline page. Also, there is a search feature that covers all six volumes.
  • Bibliography. Each chapter includes a detailed bibliography in the notes beginning on its first page. In addition, there is a comprehensive bibliography at the end of Volume VI.
  • Maps. Each volume includes maps and gazetteers which are listed at the front of the outline. Volume VI also includes a set of overview maps showing the theaters of operation of all the Crusades.
  • Timelines. The first three volumes contain timelines relevant to their material. The timeline in Volume III covers all six volumes, 1049–1571.

The origins of the need for such a history was shown by American historian John L. La Monte in his Some Problems in Crusading Historiography. La Monte's leadership on the project ended with his death in 1949, and the lead was assumed by Setton at the University of Pennsylvania in 1950. The Routledge Companion to the Crusades ranks A History of the Crusades as one of the most comprehensive and monumental 20th-century works on the subject.

Volume I. The First One Hundred Years

The first volume was edited by Marshall W. Baldwin and primarily covers the period from 1095–1187. Preliminary material discusses the situation in Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim world prior to that time. The material then includes the First Crusade, the establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Crusader States, the Fall of Edessa, the Second Crusade, and the Fall of Jerusalem to Saladin.

  • Forward.
  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Illustrations.
  • List of Maps.
  • Frontispiece. Krak des Chevaliers.

Chapter I. Western Europe on the Eve of the Crusades. Sidney Painter, The Johns Hopkins University.

Chapter II. Conflict in the Mediterranean before the First Crusade.

  • The Reconquest of Spain before 1095. Benjamin W. Wheeler, University of Michigan.
  • The Italian Cities and Arabs before 1095. Hilmar C. Kreuger, University of Cincinnati.
  • The Norman Conquest of Sicily. Robert S. Lopez, Yale University.
  • The Pilgrimages to Palestine before 1095. Steven Runciman, London.

Chapter III. The Caliphate and the Arab States. Hamilton A. R. Gibb, Harvard University.

Chapter IV. The Ismā'īlites and the Assassins. Bernard Lewis, University of London.

Chapter V. The Turkish Invasion: The Selchükids. Claude Cahen, University of Strasbourg.

Chapter VI. The Byzantine Empire in the Eleventh Century. Peter Charanis, Rutgers University.

Chapter VII. The Councils of Piacenza and Clermont. Frederic Duncalf, University of Texas.

Chapter VIII. The First Crusade: Clermont to Constantinople. Frederic Duncalf, University of Texas.

Chapter IX. The First Crusade: Constantinople to Antioch. Steven Runciman, London.

Chapter X. The First Crusade: Antioch to Ascalon. Steven Runciman, London.

Chapter XI. The Crusade of 1101. James Lea Cate, University of Chicago.

Chapter XII. The Foundation of the Latin States, 1099–1118. Harold S. Fink. University of Tennessee.

Chapter XIII. The Foundation of the Latin States, 1118–1144. Robert L. Nicholson. University of Illinois.

Chapter XIV. Zengi and the Fall of Edessa. Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Harvard University.

Chapter XV. The Second Crusade. Virginia G. Berry, Winnapeg, Canada.

Chapter XVI. The Career of Nūr-ad-Din. Hamiliton A. R. Gibb, Harvard University.

Chapter XVII. The Latin States under Baldwin III and Amalric I, 1143–1174. Marshall W. Baldwin, New York University.

Chapter XVIII. The Rise of Saladin. Hamiliton A. R. Gibb, Harvard University.

Chapter XIX. The Decline and Fall of Jerusalem, 1174–1189. Marshall W. Baldwin, New York University.

  • Important Dates and Events, 1054–1189.
  • Gazetteer, Volume I.
  • Index to Volume I.

Volume II. The Later Crusades, 1189–1311

The second volume was edited by Robert L. Wolff and Harry W. Hazard and covers the period 1189–1311. This includes the later Crusades to the Holy Land: the Third through Eighth Crusades, the Barons' Crusade and Lord Edward's Crusade. The Albigensian Crusade and Children's Crusade are also covered. The Fall of Outremer resulting from the Siege of Acre conclude the work.

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Illustrations.
  • List of Maps.
  • Frontispiece. The Four Tetrarchs, plundered by Venice during the sack of Constantinople in 1204.

Chapter I. The Norman Kingdom of Sicily and the Crusades. Helene Wieruszowski, The City College of New York.

Chapter II. The Third Crusade: Richard the Lionhearted and Philip Augustus. Sidney Painter, The Johns Hopkins University.

Chapter III. The Crusades of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI. Edgar N. Johnson, University of Massachusetts.

Chapter IV. Byzantium and the Crusades, 1081–1204. Joan M. Hussey, Royal Holloway College, University of London.

Chapter V. The Fourth Crusade. Edgar H. McNeal, Ohio State University, and Robert Lee Wolff, Harvard University.

Chapter VI. The Latin Empire of Constantinople, 1204–1261. Robert Lee Wolff, Harvard University.

Chapter VII. The Frankish States in Greece, 1204-1311. Jean Longnon, Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France.

Chapter VIII. The Albigensian Crusade. Austin P. Evans, Columbia University.

Chapter IX. The Children's Crusade. Norman P. Zacour, University of Toronto.

Chapter X. The Political Crusades of the Thirteenth Century. Joseph R. Strayer, Harvard University.

Chapter XI. The Fifth Crusade. Thomas C. Van Cleve, Bowdoin College.

Chapter XII. The Crusade of Frederick II. Thomas C. Van Cleve, Bowdoin College.

Chapter XIII. The Crusade of Theobald of Champagne and Richard of Cornwall, 1239–1241. Sidney Painter, The Johns Hopkins University.

Chapter XIV. The Crusades of Louis IX. Joseph R. Strayer, Harvard University.

Chapter XV. The Crusader States, 1192–1243. Mary Nickerson Hardwicke, Downey, California.

Chapter XVI. The Crusader States, 1243–1291. Steven Runciman, London.

Chapter XVII. The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1191–1291. Elizabeth Chapin Furber, Philadelphia.

Chapter XVIII. The Kingdom of Cilician Armenia. Sirarpie Der Nersessian, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.

Chapter XIX. The Turks in Iran and Anatolia before the Mongol Invasions. Claude Cahen, University of Strasbourg.

Chapter XX. The Aiyūbids. Hamiliton A. R. Gibb, Harvard University.

Chapter XXI. The Mongols and the Near East. Claude Cahen, University of Strasbourg.

Chapter XXII. The Mamluk Sultans to 1293. Mustafa M. Ziada, University of Cairo.

  • Important Dates and Events, 1187–1311.
  • Gazetteer, Volume II.
  • Index to Volume II.

Volume III. The Fourteenth and Fifteen Centuries

The third covers the later Crusades and was edited by Harry W. Hazard. This includes the Crusades after Acre, 1291–1399, the Crusades of the 15th century, and the Reconquista. Also covered are the Mongol invasions, the Northern Crusades, and the Ottoman Empire.

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Maps.
  • Frontispiece. Bertrandon de la Broquière offering to Philip the Good of Burgundy a translation of the Koran.

Chapter I. The Crusade in the Fourteenth Century. Aziz Suryal Atiya, University of Utah.

Chapter II. Byzantium and the Crusades, 1261–1354. Deno Geanakoplos, Yale University.

Chapter III. Byzantium and the Crusades, 1354–1453. Deno Geanakoplos, Yale University.

Chapter IV. The Morea, 1311–1364. Peter Topping, University of Cincinnati.

Chapter V. The Morea, 1364–1460. Peter Topping, The University of Cincinnati.

Chapter VI. The Catalans in Greece, 1311–1380. Kenneth M. Setton, Institute for Advanced Study.

Chapter VII. The Catalans and Florentines in Greece, 1380–1462. Kenneth M. Setton, Institute for Advanced Study.

Chapter VIII. The Hospitallers at Rhodes, 1306–1421. Anthony Luttrell, The Royal University of Malta.

Chapter IX. The Hospitallers at Rhodes, 1421–1523. Ettore Rossi.

Chapter X. The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1291–1369. Sir Harry Luke, KCMG.

Chapter XI. The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1369–1489. Sir Harry Luke, KCMG.

Chapter XII. The Spanish and Portuguese Reconquest, 1095–1492. Charles J. Bishko.

Chapter XIII. Moslem North Africa, 1049–1394. Harry W. Hazard, Institute for Advanced Study.

Chapter XIV. The Mamluk Sultans, 1291–1517. Mustafa M. Ziadat, University of Cairo.

Chapter XV. The Mongols and Western Europe. Denis Sinor, Indiana University.

Chapter XVI. The German Crusade on the Baltic. Edgar N. Johnson, University of Nebraska.

Chapter XVII. The Crusades against the Hussites. Frederick G. Heymann, University of Calgary.

Chapter XVIII. The Aftermath of the Crusades. Aziz Suryal Atiya, University of Utah.

  • Important Dates and Events, 1049–1571.
  • Gazetteer, Volume III.
  • Index to Volume III.

Volume IV. The Art and Architecture of the Crusader States

The fourth volume covers the art and archicture of the Crusader states and was edited by Harry W. Hazard. Related articles include art of the Crusades, art and architecture of the Crusader states and Holy places in the Levant,

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Figures.
  • List of Plates.
  • List of Maps.
  • Frontispiece. Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, South Façade.

Chapter I. Life among the Europeans in Palestine and Syria in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Urban T. Holmes, Jr., University of North Carolina.

Chapter II. Pilgrimages and Pilgrim Shrines in Palestine and Syria after 1095. Henry L. Savage, Princeton University.

Chapter III. Ecclesiastical Art in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria. T. S. R. Boase, Oxford University.

  • Architecture and Sculpture.
  • Mosaic, Painting, and Minor Arts.

Chapter IV. Military Architecture in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria. T. S. R. Boase, Oxford University.

Chapter V. The Arts in Cyprus.

  • Ecclesiastical Art. T. S. R. Boase, Oxford University.
  • Military Architecture. A. H. S. Megaw, British School at Athens.

Chapter VI. The Arts in Frankish Greece and Rhodes.

  • Frankish Greece. David J. Wallace and T. S. R. Boase
  • Rhodes. T. S. R. Boase

Chapter VII. Painting and Sculpture in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291. Jaroslav Folda, University of North Carolina.

Crusader Art and Architecture: A Photographic Survey. Jaroslav Folda, University of North Carolina.

  • Gazetteer, Volume IV.
  • Index to Volume IV.

Volume V. The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East

The fifth volume covers the impact of the Crusades on the Near East and was edited by Norman P. Zacour and Harry W. Hazard.

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Illustrations.
  • List of Maps.
  • Frontispiece. Francis of Assisi before al-Kāmil, sultan of Egypt. Courtesy of Fratelli Fabri, Milan.

Chapter I. Arab Culture in the Twelfth Century. Nabih Amin Faris, American University of Beirut.

Chapter II. The Impact of the Crusades on Moslem Lands. Philip Khuri Hitti, Princeton University.

Chapter III. Social Classes in the Crusader States: the "Minorities". Joshua Prawer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Chapter IV. Social Classes in the Latin Kingdom: the Franks. Joshua Prawer.

Chapter V. The Political and Ecclesiastical Organization of the Crusader States. Jean Richard, Université de Dijon.

Chapter VI. Agricultural Conditions in the Crusader States. Jean Richard.

Chapter VII. The Population of the Crusader States. Josiah C. Russell, Texas A&I University.

Chapter VIII. The Teutonic Knights in the Crusader States. Indrikis Sterns, Muhlenberg College.

Chapter IX. Venice and the Crusades. Louise Buenger Robbert, University of Missouri.

Chapter X. Missions to the East in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Marshall W. Baldwin, New York University.

  • Gazetteer, Volume V.
  • Index to Volume V.

Collection James Bond 007

Volume VI. The Impact of the Crusades on Europe

The sixth volume covers the impact of the Crusades on Europe and was edited by Norman P. Zacour and Harry W. Hazard.

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of Maps.
  • Maps of theaters of war of the Crusades. Compiled by Harry W. Hazard and executed by the Cartographic Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
  • Frontispiece. Mehmed II, "the Conqueror." Portrait by Gentile Bellini, National Gallery, London.

Chapter I. The Legal and Political Theory of the Crusade. Norman Daniel, Cairo.

Chapter II. Crusade Propaganda. Norman Daniel.

Chapter III. The Epic Cycle of the Crusades. Alfred Foulet, Princeton University.

Chapter IV. Financing the Crusades. Fred A. Cazel, Jr., University of Connecticut.

Chapter V. The Institutions of the Kingdom of Cyprus. Jean Richard, Université de Dijon.

Chapter VI. Social Evolution in Latin Greece. David Jacoby, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Chapter VII. The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, 1329–1451. Halil İnalcık, University of Chicago.

Chapter VIII. The Crusade of Varna. Martin Chasin, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Chapter IX. The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, 1451–1522. Halil İnalcık.

Chapter X. Crusader Coinage with Greek or Latin Inscription. John Porteous.

  • Corpus of Coins.

Chapter XI. Crusader Coinage with Arabic Inscriptions. Michael Brown and D. M. Metcalf.

  • List of Coins, Illustrated.

Select Bibliography of the Crusades. Hans E. Mayer and Helen McLellan.

  • Gazetteer, Volume VI.
  • Index to Volume VI.

List of authors

List of contributors to this work:



Supporting Material

Text submitted to CC-BY-SA license. Source: A History of the Crusades: list of contributions by Wikipedia (Historical)