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第二次蘇黎世戰役(法語:Deuxième bataille de Zurich)發生於1799年9月25至1799年9月26日,是第二次反法同盟中的一場關鍵戰役,安德烈·馬塞納在此戰擊敗由亞歷山大·科薩科夫指揮的奧地利-俄羅斯聯軍,成功打破第一次蘇黎世戰役後長達三個月的僵局,並成功逼退蘇沃洛夫的軍隊。此戰後俄國遠征軍大多已損失慘重,迫使俄國退出第二次反法同盟。



  • Alison, Sir Archibald, History of Europe from the commencement of the French revolution in 1789, to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815 IV Second, W. Blackwood and Sons: 132, 1835 
  • Clausewitz, Carl von (2020). Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1. Trans and ed. Nicholas Murray and Christopher Pringle. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-3025-7
  • Clausewitz, Carl von (2021). The Coalition Crumbles, Napoleon Returns: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 2. Trans and ed. Nicholas Murray and Christopher Pringle. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-3034-9
  • Duffy, Christopher, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, Emperor's Press, 1999 
  • Phipps, Ramsay Weston, The Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I V, 1926 .
  • Shadwell, Maj.-Gen. Lawrence, Mountain Warfare - Illustrated by the Campaign of 1799 in Switzerland, London, 1875 

Text submitted to CC-BY-SA license. Source: 第二次蘇黎世戰役 by Wikipedia (Historical)